


Manim is a Python library for creating mathematical animations, which is based on the idea of creating mathematical objects and transforming them over time. It is an open-source project and is maintained by the community. It is used to create visualizations, simulations, and animations for a wide range of applications, including computer science, mathematics, physics, and more.


To install Manim, you need to have Python installed on your system. You can download and install Python from the official website. Once you have Python installed, you can install Manim using the following command:

pip install manim

This will install Manim and all its dependencies.

Creating Animations

To create an animation, you need to create a Python file and use the Scene class from Manim. Here is an example:

from manim import *

class SquareToCircle(Scene):
    def construct(self):
        square = Square()
        circle = Circle()
        self.play(Transform(square, circle))
  1. The Scene class is imported from Manim.
  2. A new class called SquareToCircle is created which inherits from the Scene class.
  3. The construct method is defined which is the entry point for the animation.
  4. Two objects, a square and a circle, are created.
  5. The Transform animation is played, which transforms the square into the circle.

Running Animations

To run the animation, you need to save the Python file and run it using the following command:

manim example.py SquareToCircle

This will run the animation and save the output as a video file. You can specify the resolution, frame rate, and other options using the command line arguments.
